Finishing Touches, V2I1

Let’s Be Clear

I have an old friend who is a fantastic salesman. He once told me that when he did sales presentations for prospective clients, that “I told them what I am going to tell them—essentially what I want them to know. Then I told them. Then I told them what I told them.” It sounds redundant, I know. But I have seen him in action and understand what he was getting at.

His sales meetings were anything but redundant. Every one of them was stellar in communicating his message, which was:

1) These are the products I have to offer,

2) This is how these products will enhance your sales efforts in the category,

3) This is what I am going to do after the sale to help you, and

4) This is how I am going to follow through. He never missed an opportunity to make a great first impression.

After working for a number of years with him I came to understand something very important: The heartbeat of marketing is communicating a message clearly, continually, and professionally at each opportunity and following through with what you have committed to. Successful marketing is cumulative. It takes commitment, investment, and enthusiasm over the long haul. It is never haphazard or “one and done.” The core of that success is a clear message — the “what I want them to know” part.

What about your business? What do you want people to know about you, your company, your product or service? How are you communicating your core message? Is it clear? Is it consistent? It is important to get this insight down on paper and get it right. If you don’t tell them, most likely they will come to conclusions about your company and products on their own. Or someone else will tell them who you are. Maybe even a competitor. What they come up with may not be at all accurate, up to date or anything you want to convey.

Whatever your reason for being in business, you no doubt have found that your business requires long-term commitment, hard work, and sacrifice—all things you willingly do because you love what you get to do each day. In short, you made a commitment and invest your time, talent and treasure in your work.

Think of your marketing efforts as just one area of commitment and investment. The person you are, what you do, and how you do it is what helps to separate you from others who may be providing a similar product or service. It’s your differentiator in a world of (potential) sameness that makes you stand out in a crowded field. That’s why developing and communicating your unique message clearly and consistently is so important to your overall approach to marketing.

Once you have your core message set, make the investment in developing professional materials to communicate what you want your customers to know. If you don’t have a brand mark or logo, consider having one created for your business by a professional who understands brand design. You may even consider developing a tag line that concisely communicates what you do.

When employing a professional, make sure to request a style sheet that indicates desired colors and typography along with electronic files in .ai, .jpg, and .png file formats for use with various office software. Keep those electronic files in a safe place and do not alter them once they have been approved and completed.

If you already have a logo and tag, make sure that it is applied consistently across all visual touch-points (e.g., business cards, stationary package, invoices, brochures, vehicles, signage, apparel, etc.). Consistency in messaging includes the color, typography, position of your mark and tag in relationship to other page elements, and writing style, to name a few.

Last, remember there is only one opportunity to make a first impression. Here’s to hoping that your first impression will be a great one for your customers now and for many years to come.




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August/September 2024