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Shed Sales Basics—Asking Questions for Delivery

(Photo courtesy of Leeloo Thefirst via Pexels)

In the past 10 years of shed sales, I have learned a lot about dealing with customers, employees, shed haulers, and manufacturers. 

The realization I have come to is that everyone does things slightly differently; however, I believe that there are some basic principles involved in the sale of a shed that can make the whole experience that much better for everyone involved. 

I only want to talk about one part of the sales process today, the delivery process—namely, the importance of asking questions about the delivery before the shed is even loaded at the shed lot. 

So many times, we cross off all the boxes of finding just the right shed with all the right options, and then we totally forget about the delivery of that shed. 

We forget how vital it is to make sure the customer is informed of how we are going to deliver the building and all the details of getting the shed in place unharmed—and without making the delivery team’s life more difficult than needed. 

What I have done to make sure things are accounted for every time is to have a checklist. This may seem old-fashioned, but I would say the old ways have been tried and are so often the best ways to handle the situation. 

I’ve also seen salespeople promise that a shed can be delivered without even asking simple questions like:

  • Do you have any fences or gates?
  • Is there clear access for a truck and trailer to get into your yard?
  • Is the yard and location for the shed level?  

These simple but effective questions make it so that when the manufacturer builds the custom-order shed and the delivery team shows up, the shed can fit. 

Basic questions can make you avoid having an angry customer, who is more than willing to give you and your company a bad review, not to mention the time and money spent on the attempted delivery and an angry delivery team. 

No one wants to have a bad delivery experience, so my recommendation to anyone who wants to save themselves a potential headache, as well as keep customer service a top priority, is to ask the questions! 

If you can perform a simple site visit before the delivery, this can erase any concern from the customer and place your mind at ease to verify that you are able to indeed have the shed installed correctly. 

I normally take two tape measures with me on a site check to be able to show the customer the width and length of a building. 

If you have been in sales any length of time and have asked if the shed fits you will get, “Oh, yes, I take my trailer in and out all the time.” Most of the time the building is wider than 8 feet, 6 inches, which is the width of a standard travel trailer, and the customer doesn’t take into account that the shed is that much larger.

Educating the customer on the fact that they are getting a 12-foot-wide shed and that you need at least an inch on either side of the shed to get it into location gives a whole new perspective on if they need to take out a fence post or have a tree cut down. 

One last thing that opened my eyes to the importance of asking questions about the delivery was to ride along with the delivery team for a day and see the process from their point of view. 

If this is an option for you, I would highly recommend doing this at your earliest convenience.

In closing I want you to take a few things away from this article. First, make a delivery checklist with your delivery team. Secondly, ask those questions at the close of every sale. 

Finally, ask your delivery team and customers to take a picture of that beautiful new shed in place and post a review to Google.

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