In 2019, overall fraud losses reported in the United States were more than $1.9 billion, with a B. This is a 28 percent jump from 2018 numbers and continue the trend of the statistic increasing each year, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
The three broad categories the FTC tracks are fraud, theft, and consumer complaints, with fraud by far the biggest source in 2019.
The rent-to-own (RTO) shed industry is not immune to fraud and theft, but it is something that can be slowed down when associated companies work together for the greater good of the industry. NBSRA asked some shed manufacturing business owners their opinion of how to mitigate fraud and theft risks in the field.
Some feel the fragmented way the majority of the industry works is the main problem and makes mitigating risk factors more difficult with this model. When the RTO provider, dealer, manufacturer, and delivery team are all separate companies focused on only their piece of the puzzle, it makes for an “it’s not my problem” mentality.
Understanding that we are most valued when we provide value to someone else is crucial to working together. Each entity should operate with an “eyes up” perspective and be willing to see further down the road. In essence, simply be aware of things around you. Every entity can run their business well, while still looking out for one another’s best interest.
On the manufacturing side, some very practical things that can be done to help is to make your products identifiable even when serial numbers may be missing. Use brand marks, construction techniques, and different materials that would make your product stand out differently from others in the industry. Providing invoices to RTO providers that include descriptive and accurate details help when issues arise.
For dealers making the point-of-sale decisions, it can be a bit more difficult to have this approach. There is a fine line between operating with suspicion and operating with eyes open. The industry should never operate out of suspicion; it is unhealthy for all and based out of fear.
However, it is good for dealers to require all documents and paperwork asked for by the RTO provider, even if they don’t understand why. It is important for them to sell to a customer truly based on their needs and not just on a paycheck. If a customer is reluctant to provide the requested information, it should present a red flag to the sales team.
At this point, it is up to the skill set of the salesperson to steer the customer into another sale option other than RTO, rather than trying to complete a sale without the documentation required by the RTO provider.
It is also very important for the RTO providers to be empathetic with the dealers and manufacturers they partner with. As the behind-the-scene entity in these transactions, it is easy to be viewed as hard-nosed and demanding when the RTO provider insists on the requirements of the agreement be met.
Instead, RTO providers should be eager to train and offer a helping hand in explaining the importance of customer documentation for an agreement.
Keeping accurate records on customer accounts, verifying customer contact information, including the location of the building periodically during the agreement term, is another way that RTO providers can help to mitigate these risks.
Ensuring staff members are making contact with every customer at least once a month is very important. If a customer is an auto-draft payment, make a point to call them once a quarter to ensure there is still that human contact. This helps the customers to feel valued and connected to their RTO provider.
If a customer cannot be reached by the provider, be prompt in reaching out to their references for updated information before too much time has passed. This can help create awareness of a situation in need of attention before a unit comes up missing. Letting too much time go by is an invitation to someone to try to sell that building or have it moved.
Finally, it is very important for delivery teams to be aware of situations or circumstances that could raise red flags as well. They have the advantage of noticing oddities at sales locations, multiple buildings from different manufacturers in one location, or multiple deliveries to the same address.
In addition, it is very helpful for drivers to not move buildings from a location without a written request from the RTO provider or without doing a little investigation if no request is given.
In conclusion, without clear and open communication lines between all parties, the theft and fraud surrounding our RTO shed industry will continue to increase, just as it does nationally in all industries. Let’s set a new standard of teamwork that benefits everyone involved to ensure a long and thriving industry for years to come.
If you or your business have any thoughts or suggestions on this topic and would like to be a part of making a difference, please visit the NBSRA Facebook page at:
We look forward to hearing, firsthand, from each of you.