Foam as an insulator, vapor barrier, R-value attainer, and safely manufacturing a healthy, strong, and comfortable building.
Lessons Learned in Shed Marketing (Part 2)
With a solid shed-building foundation in place, it’s time to work on ads and branding.
Sheds and Online Sales
COVID-19 pandemic pushes some builders to grow in online shed sales.
Defining Shed Building
The coordination between builder, dealer or retailer, rent-to-own company, and hauler is a delicate balancing act that happens thousands of times every week across the country.
How to Keep from Getting Rear-Ended by Your P&Ls
P&L in any business is vital. In the shed hauler’s world, it is imperative to know where you stand. Numbers can look really good for even a couple years, but if you don’t know the pitfalls that lie ahead, you can find yourself in a bad situation with you wondering what happened.
Monitoring and Accounting
Assessing, reviewing, and addressing certain elements during this time of uncertainty will put you in control of your shed business.
How to Grow When Business is Anything but Usual
With people still home, there is a great opportunity for shed builders over the next few months. Here’s some advice on how to sustain and even grow your business in 2020.
Expanding Your Operation
Before plunging headlong into anything, there are a few things to look at, besides the recent spring rush. Here are five ways to tell if your shed business is ready to grow.
Lessons Learned in Shed Marketing (Part 1)
Let’s take a look at your foundation by asking important questions to help you evaluate how ready you are for more business.
One Foot on the Gas, One Foot on the Brake
Our economy has been broadsided by an unforeseen force outside our control. What can we do as owners, managers, and shed builders? Here are a few ideas that I focus on during periods of business stress and external forces beyond my control.