Profiles, V8I6

Customer Connection

NC Shed Builders, from left: Jeff Cook, Al Rynish, and Josue Moncayo. (Photo courtesy of Carolina Moncayo)

Sometimes, it only takes one encounter with a person to change the course of someone’s life.

For Allen Rynish, that person was a customer with a picture of a shed in a magazine that he wanted to be built.

It’s that kind of personal connection and customization that Rynish uses daily to make his company, NC Shed Builders, successful.

Shed Builder Magazine had a chance to ask him about that first custom shed and more about his business in North Carolina.

How did you come up with the idea to start NC Shed Builders?

In 2015, I started NC Shed Builders. At that time, I had been working as a sub-contractor, building storage sheds on-site.  

When I quit the previous company, I knew there was a growing market for builders willing to do things differently. Another thing I noticed was that customers still wanted to connect with people on a personal level. We forget that in our digital age.  

In the early days, I spent a lot of time meeting with customers at their houses, on their time. It was a huge commitment, but I found it often got the sale by making that personal connection.  

I still remember meeting many of those customers in the first two years. It was challenging because I also had to build the shed and do all the sales, marketing, purchasing, and everything else that goes into running a business—and then go make another sale.  

I had been building storage sheds for eight years, but I knew very little of the business side of it.  And, boy, did I have a lot to learn. 

One of my earlier successes was building a contemporary model shed. I built it for a guy who showed me a picture in a magazine and asked if I could build him that single-slant-roof shed. I said I had always wanted to try that and told him that I would. 

So, we drew out the dimensions and a plan for the shed and I built it for him. I took a picture and put it online, and a few weeks later somebody else called me asking me for that same style shed. 

They said no one else would build it. I said I would. So, we drew up some dimensions and we drew up a plan, and that next one became the basis for our contemporary model. 

I took a picture of it and put it online and more people called me wanting that style shed.  And the demand has not slowed up. 

Eventually, we created our logo to look like the contemporary shed. It has become our main identity, I believe.             

You said you had been building sheds for eight years before starting the business. Share how you got started in shed building.

In 2007, I was at a point in my life where I was trying to figure out where I wanted my career to go. I had a college degree in business management. I had previously worked for a bottled water company.   

I answered an ad for a job building sheds for Heartland, the company that supplied sheds to Lowe’s. I decided to try it. The position was for a sub-contractor. We built sheds on-site. 

There was a considerable amount of driving involved. It was long hours and hard work. After a month, I wanted to quit.  

I still remember having that conversation with Greg Riggle, the branch manager. I asked him if he wanted to buy my tools at the end of a long and tiring day. He reminded me that I had made some good money that week.  

For whatever reason, I showed up the next Monday and went back to work building storage sheds.  

Since then, I have always built sheds on-site. 

Reflecting on life, I grew up in the farm fields of Wisconsin. Milking cows and tilling the land was normal. We worked long days. And the cows always got milked. You could never not milk the cows.  

I think that attitude has stayed with me all my life, only now it’s “the shed needs to get built.” There is no falling short; you have to finish your job.  

One of my workers asked me what I did when I cut myself on the job site (someone’s backyard). I said you grab your unused napkin from lunch and a roll of duct tape. Be sure to rinse out the wound with water. Then, wrap the wound and finish the shed.  

But even with that work ethic, you were still thinking about leaving shed building?

After eight years of building sheds on-site, I was wanting to leave the business. The stress on my body was taking its toll. But more importantly, the challenge was gone.  

As I talked this out with my circle of friends, several said, “Why don’t you start your own shed business, you are pretty good at it.” I knew it was going to be a big jump.  

Probably the best thing that happened was I made a friend with Don Rodger. Don built websites professionally. He often encouraged me to do my own thing.  

One day he said, “Build me a shed and I’ll build you a website.” We shook hands and a deal was struck.  We still work with each other.  He helps run the website, and I help when he has a project.  

NC Shed Builders wouldn’t be where it is without Don.  

A key component to a successful business is a good website and marketing plan. This is how a lot of customers find us.  

Let’s get into the sheds. What types of structures do you offer?

We have six styles of sheds. Four of those are the traditional, A-roof style with different roof pitches and overhangs. All except one style is offered with LP siding, horizontal fiber cement (Hardie), and vinyl. 

Board and batten sometimes gets asked for. We also stay open to other products.  

One goal I am finally getting around to is offering chicken coops—but not an easy, slap-together, broke-in-six-months chicken coop.  

Our main goal is to reduce our waste, so I hired a carpenter and showed him a pile of random length 2 by 4s and LP. I told him to see what he can come up with.  

Lo and behold, we now have chicken coops

Give us a business “snapshot” of NC Shed Builders today.

This year, we are looking to go beyond $1 million in total sales. We are really excited about that. 

Being a smaller company, we only put out about four sheds a week. This often looks like a variety of basic sheds and complex and special sheds.  

We have about 12 personnel total of employees and subcontractors. We have three dedicated builders, four office personnel, and two workshop guys.  

Building things on-site, we don’t have the luxury of using automation. Most of what we do is still picking up 2 by 4s and nailing them together. We do have a pneumatic nailer, which makes life easier.  

But a lot of what we do is cutting things one by one and putting them together and then standing up walls and building rafters until we have a shed.       

What do you look for in your builders?

We use subcontractors to build storage sheds. They are expected to be experienced carpenters with their own pick-up trucks and tools. 

Our builders are an important part of the business. And their job is two-fold. We need them to construct an excellent storage shed and maintain excellent customer communication and service.

What’s your build process like, and why do you use this process?

We are able to buy materials now in bulk and bring them into our warehouse where they are cut to size for the appropriate shed. Our workshop worker prepares a package of materials that will then be loaded onto a trailer and delivered to a job site.  

Often, we cannot back up to where the storage shed will be built, so we have to carry materials. And so we carry those materials into the backyard piece by piece. 

At times it seems like a lot of work, but it’s the only way the job will get done. After all, this is why people call us.

We have tried to think of different ideas to simplify our lives and make things easier, but it seems like we always go back to just carrying the material into the backyard.

Take us through the process, from first contact with a customer to delivery of a shed.

I wish I could say that we had a typical customer. Right here at NC Shed Builder, every customer seems to be a little bit different.

Most times we try to contact people within 24 hours of receiving a lead. We go through with them what we do and how we do it and ask them questions as to the specifics of what they want. Then, we draw them up an estimate or a couple of estimates so they can compare prices.

After that, it’s a waiting game. Sometimes customers respond quickly, and sometimes it takes them a few weeks or months and sometimes years.  

Our current lead time has shrunk recently, and that has its pros and cons. Customers don’t have to get on a long waiting list. However, we don’t have a large stack of work waiting for us anymore. 

How much customization can a buyer make to a shed? What are some of the more popular features requested?

We tell people to bring us their ideas. Often, it’s a matter of arranging the doors and windows. 

However, one time I had a couple bring me a magazine cover with a very beautiful shed on it. They asked me if I would build that shed. It had all the bells and whistles.

We see people asking for more windows and doors, especially in the office shed models. People like to have a lot of light coming into the shed. 

Often, we tell people to go pick up their own windows and we will install them for them. We once installed some windows salvaged from a 100-year-old church. 

Talk about some of the challenges you’ve faced and how you have overcome them.

In the early days, the biggest challenge was just finding our niche. I was always looking to find something that would separate me from the next shed builder. Being open to different customer ideas definitely set us apart.  

The biggest challenge has been labor. When I started this business, I did not realize how difficult it was going to be to find good help. I had always heard the line that it’s hard to find good help, but then I actually experienced it firsthand. 

As a business owner, you want to be able to clone yourself, that’s not possible. We are always looking for good builders and good people to help us get better.  

We are fortunate now that we have people that have been with the company for several years. I realize how important that is to have that consistency—and people that you can depend on to do the job and know how to do the job.

What shed-building success really stands out to you? 

We built one tiny house or ADU—only it was a very fancy tiny house.  

It took us all summer long, and then, some to get the project complete. It took a lot of our resources. 

In the end, I’m glad we did it, but it was a bit much for us at the time. We tried it, though.      

What does the future look like for your business?

The future looks very bright. Our business is in North Carolina in the triangle area: Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill. There are a lot of businesses moving to this area, and that means families will be moving into the area and those families will need storage sheds. 

As I said earlier, we serve a specific niche. We build on-site, and that sets us apart from a lot of other storage companies. 

I think here in North Carolina we will continue to get phone calls.

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