Best Practices, Feature, Operations, V6I3

Expanding Your Operation

As a business owner, you get goosebumps just thinking about expanding your business. Thoughts of a bigger shop, more customers, or adding to the product line fuels your energy every morning. 

But when you get to the particulars, knowing when the time is right or the steps to getting there, those goosebumps may come from fear rather than excitement.

Before plunging headlong into anything, there are a few things to look at, besides the recent spring rush. Here are five ways to tell if your shed business is ready to grow.


After 39 years in the shed business, William Downs, owner of Atlas Backyard Sheds in Tyler, Texas, knows a thing or two about customer service and running a smooth operation. 

“The first indication that you’re ready to expand,” he says, “is when you’re able to maintain where you already are.”

Customer service is a top priority for Downs. 

“Sell what you sell and service your customers in such a way they remember you for that service,” he says. “If you do that, they come back to you.” 

They also send their friends, shares Downs. 

“A referral costs less than converting a new lead,” he points out.


In order to provide that top level of customer service, Downs says you have to know the people serving your customers—your employees.

“It starts and ends with your employees,” he says. “You have to trust them and see to it they will do the thing the way you want it done.” 

Teamwork, company culture, and work environment are a few of the things he lists as ways to ensure you have employees that are on your side.

But, what’s his secret to finding loyal employees? 

“We do our best, once they’re here, to let them see things through our eyes,” Downs shares. “Everyone needs to be on the same plan.” 

He must be doing something right, as he’s had employees with him for 20 years.  

“We’re family here,” he says. 


“The demand for our product was overwhelming,” says Anthony Taylor-Weber, owner of Outdoor Office in Sherwood, Oregon. “We had no idea people would be looking for fully finished spaces.”

Taylor-Weber started Outdoor Office in his home garage, constructing fully finished buildings to use as home office or studio space. But because of the high demand he experienced, expansion came pretty early to his 3-year-old company.

“We started wanting to build six offices a year,” he says. “But the first week of the year we signed for three buildings and are on pace for two a month.” 

Mike Koening, president and co-founder of Studio Shed in Louisville, Colorado, with his friend Jeremy Nova, agrees that customer feedback is important.

“Listen to your customers’ questions,” he says. And train your reps to do the same. He also suggests getting feedback from your vendors and friends.

Willie Downs, William’s son and vice president of Atlas, says to encourage your customers to leave Google reviews. 

“They’re the next best thing to a referral,” he says. But they also tell you the truth about what the customer is thinking.

In almost four decades, Downs has expanded Atlas in several ways. First, they added hot tubs and swim spas to their product line. When a customer buys one product accompanying another, it promotes growth in your business. 

For instance, Downs capitalizes on leads from a hot tub expo to sell decks, patio covers, and storage buildings.

Next, they started adding wholesalers to the list of locations where customers could find Atlas products.

“The more places where people can put their eyes on our products,” Downs says, “the better.” 

So, they’ve expanded the reach of their own seven lots with the added retailers.

Ways to collect customer feedback:

  • Train sales reps to ask and listen.
  • Surveys sent via email.
  • Solicit Google reviews.
  • Feedback form given at time of delivery.
  • Follow-up phone calls.
  • Social media comments.
  • Live chat support plug-ins on website.
  • Polls in social media posts.


The data doesn’t lie. And Koening, who with Nova started Studio Shed as a part-time gig building unfinished kits customers assembled themselves, reminds us to always listen to the data. 

Where does the data come from? The analytics from your website and social media feeds is one place. Customer surveys is another.

If your Instagram posts of one style of building consistently get more likes and shares than all of your other products, that’s data to consider. If customers spend more time designing two-car garages on your 3D configurator than one-car garages, that’s more data to consider. 

If you’re not regularly checking these stats, you’re missing important feedback about how your business is doing.

Ways to collect customer data:

  • All of the previously mentioned ways of collecting customer feedback.
  • Google analytics.
  • Social media analytics.
  • Your own production and sales records.


When Taylor-Weber started getting orders for his buildings when he hadn’t spent any money in marketing, he knew he would rapidly outgrow his garage. What he wasn’t counting on was outgrowing his first plant within a year.

“While our plant is amazing, with space for a demo model and an office, we are still limited in what we can do,” he says. 

Because the building doesn’t have a large enough bay door, they can’t assemble the buildings under cover. This has limited their production to the point that they’re already looking at their second expansion in just as many years.

What to look for in a new plant:

  • Location—Is it convenient for your customers and current employees?
  • Zoning—Will the local government allow you to house a shed manufacturing plant in the building?
  • Size—Is the building large enough for manufacturing, offices, and showroom?
  • Parking—Will there be enough room for your employees and customers to park? Will you have room to park your delivery rigs? Is the building accessible to loading and unloading the buildings with the rigs? And will the roadways accommodate the rigs when they leave the plant?
  • Cost—What are the terms of the lease, the cost to outfit the building for your business, and the monthly payments?
  • Scalability—Will the site grow with your business?


According to Taylor-Weber, sometimes doing nothing costs more. They could keep production in his home garage, but that would delay orders by months. Or, they could move and turn them around in weeks. 

“We felt that with that long a delay, we’d lose those customers,” he says. 

So, to help him make the decision, he did a couple of things. 

“Crunch the numbers,” he says. “Do I have enough orders in place to pay for the facility and can I project enough sales to stay there?” 

To stay on the safe side, Taylor-Weber chose something affordable (albeit without a large enough bay door) with a short, one-year lease, “to see how things go.”

“Finding commercial property with a one-year lease is unheard of,” he says. So, he took that as a sign it was a right fit, even though temporary.

Of all the reasons to expand your business, shed builders agree the most important one is customer service. 

“When you buy a product from us, you become a member of the Atlas family,” says Downs. 

That experience brings them back for more.

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February/March 2025