I have come to accept my own need to keep things simple. I have proven to myself repeatedly that when I start over-complicating things, my chances of success or reaching a goal decline.
Both in college and in business school there was a lot of talk about the importance of business strategy. And with the years of rolling up my sleeves and working shoulder-to-shoulder with small shed builders, I firmly believe that strategy is simply “The Plan.” Most of the companies I work with only need to have a plan that covers the next few months.
Although longer-term strategies of five to 20 years are more common with larger companies, I’ve seen with my own eyes that small businesses should focus on immediate short-term fixes to problems, and on strengthening weak links. Even the largest of the shed builders are still tiny when compared to these large unruly corporations.
I have a firm belief that the typical shed builder can spell out their strategy in about three minutes after some pointed and specific questions. Nearly 90 percent of the shed builders I work with sail through this portion of management/ownership with flying colors.
But it’s the next section that can cause trouble.
When the strategy is established for a business, the only next step is execution. Execution sounds much better than “git r dun.” I used to say that expression a lot until I started getting too many comparisons to Larry the Cable Guy.
When I look closely around the shed builder owners’ and managers’ offices, I notice a small layer of dust on old plans, notes they have written from courses they have taken, or unorganized lists of great ideas. Perhaps there was too much sizzle and not enough steak. Since most owners and managers seem to struggle with this portion, I will share with you my top four coaching suggestions on how to successfully execute your strategy.
Limit your strategies to three.
There have been extensive studies correlating successful completion rates and the number of goals focused on. My hunch was reconfirmed when I learned that when a person or an organization increases the number of targets to five, the actual percentage of accomplishment drops to 20 percent. But if the focus is split up among only three strategies, the amount of completion climbs to nearly 85 percent. The hard part is limiting your attention to just three items.
When I have advised others on this, I usually get a significant pushback, hearing complaints like, “They all are important.” One of the advantages of being a small business is we can be nimble and agile. Much like a small boat, we can maneuver and change direction much faster than larger ships. Smaller businesses can quickly accomplish a goal and then move on to something else. I personally have seen shed companies who execute and thus complete a given goal in under 30 days, mark it as completed, and move on to a new goal.
If it makes you feel better, store the goals that didn’t make the top three in a parking lot or warehouse. Once you finish what is on your plate, you will be allowed to review all the other possible goals and select what is most important. Deciding on your top three goals usually works better when you involve someone else, or even other members of your team. If you are encouraging open communication between everyone, you will get a 360-degree view of what’s most pressing.
Many times, our initial goals are fundamental or foundational. Think of it as “first things first.” For example, if financial reports are giving us unreliable information, then an initial goal is to get these financial reports to be trustworthy. Another real-life example is before working on a website for more traffic, check and improve upon the profitability of job costing to improve on profit per transaction.
All goals should pass what some smart aleck has referred to as the Coach Thom Litmus Test: It must be specific, and it must be time-bound. To make a goal specific, it should have a rational, objective number to measure success. It could be in dollar amounts, several units, a percentage, or a particular number of instances. Time-framed merely means that you have a due date when you will reach this goal.
For example, get the material costs down to 20 percent by December 1. If you are not brave enough to include specific measurements and the timeframe, you are wrestling a muddy pig. You get dirty and the pig likes it. If we learn one thing from those who have gone before us, may it be that there will always be more great ideas than there is the capacity to execute them
Measure results.
If the goals are the “what,” then the measurements are the “how.” If your goal is to bring gross profit up to 35 percent, then a useful measure could be finding the percentage of labor last week in the shop.
I usually set a limit of no more of five goals per person on the team. I always invite others on the team to review my top objectives in the strategy section and then come up with what they recommend for measurements they can control. You could have four for production, three for finance, and five for sales that would tell you each week how your team was performing as it related to your strategic goal. Have weekly measurements of those indicators that predict future success and measurements that gauge the result.
I think of predictive as indicating a good chance for success. Think of it like an investment. If you can increase customer time on your website by 90 seconds, don’t you believe you will get more request quote forms filled out? These predictive measurements and the final results are sometimes called lead and lag measurement. They save time by measuring those ultra-important activities that will allow us to reach the goal.
The best example is my constant weight loss goal. Although the final goal of what the scale says is the ultimate measurement, there are two crucial predictive measurements I should track daily: The number of calories ingested and the number of calories burned through exercise. To my simple way of thinking, if I do an excellent job on those two predictive measurements each day, I will see the result in the final goal and not have to throw yet another scale out the window.
A strange but useful example from an actual builder who had a goal to improve efficiency was to track the number of absences each employee took in a month. Another valuable measurement for a shed builder who was trying to increase sales from his dealers was to measure their turn ratio. If you don’t have scoreboards in sales, finance/accounting, or production in your business, there really is no excuse. Call Kristen or me for a free complete coaching guide to instant KPIs (key performance indicators).
Develop a simple punch list or action plan that will drive better results or numbers from the essential performance indicator scoreboard listed above.
It’s like asking the questions, “What are three things I could do to lower my caloric intake?” “What are two things I could do to make sure I get enough exercise in each day?” Creative types are good at this and find it easy to develop a list of possible strategies.
Because we must ensure you get it done, I always recommend that you go back and rank the strategies by which will have the biggest impact. There’s no sense in starting with number one when the seventh item on your list will bring a huge and immediate result. Although they seem very specific and distant from the original goal punch-list items, these tasks are the essence of execution. In the hour-to-hour activity we can get direction from the punch list of what to do so that we can hit these predicted scores and reach the goal.
Most owners and managers find it easy to make up a list, but when it comes time to getting the items on the list done and crossing them off, it becomes harder. Of all the issues I have discussed here on strategy and execution, getting the items done can quickly turn into boredom or drudgery. I have yet to come up with a shortcut for the dull and monotonous work that is needed to achieve greatness.
“Blocking and tackling” is what coaches told me when I was a young man. The best execution lists are in the form of “who does what by when.” You can see here that your management experience with your team is more valuable to reach the goal than your brute strength of getting specific items done. Successful management is making sure that everyone on your team is rowing in the same direction, getting them to understand their particular requirements so that you all can cross the finish line.
This could give you a daily to-do list that, to the outsider, looks unconnected and disorganized, but are all smaller parts to a greater whole. It could be discussing training techniques with a foreman or working with a dealer to improve delivery expectations. And when you can leverage every ounce of your team’s energy, intelligence, and efforts, few realistic goals cannot be achieved.
The final suggestion is accountability.
I still don’t quite understand why, but I do believe that public responsibility for results and executing necessary actions is a fast way to achieve goals. About a hundred years ago, I worked for an organization that not only listed the top 10 performers, but also the bottom 25. It just took one instance of appearing on the latter list for me to make sure that I never wound up on that loser list again.
For example, when I keep my daily calorie intake to myself, it’s too easy not to record those donuts I had, or to gently make an excuse why. But if I know I must show those points on a scorecard to someone who is holding me accountable, it becomes much more, and I am far more likely to do what I must and stay on the path. And the more unreasonable he is, the better off I am.
Accountability takes full advantage of including a time-bound date to your goals. Even action steps or individual tasks should be time-bound to keep yourself, and your team, focused so you get it done on time, whatever it may be.
Having a whole culture of accountability means that all your employees are reporting out to you their scores, but they also prove they are working on the wisest possible things.