Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.” Maintaining a positive mindset in your shed business and in general is vital to a happy, successful, and productive life.
After 21 years in the shed industry, I can attest with 100 percent assurance that your mindset will either make you or break you. In order to convey a positive mindset and better connect with customers, you must smile.
So let’s talk about the importance of smiling.
When I started greeting my customers with a smile, my sales began to take off and my attitude greatly improved. A smile is one of the first things people see, and it sets the stage for how the rest of your appointment will go. So put on a happy face.
Smiling will not only increase your sales, it will improve your health as well. Smiling creates a great first impression, and it leaves a positive impression even if you don’t talk to someone. Studies have shown that it only takes seven seconds to make an awesome first impression so put that smile to work so you can achieve awesome results.
People will buy from those they like, know, and trust. Studies show that when you smile at someone, they will smile back. It is a reflex and begins the process of getting the customer to like you. If you have a genuine smile that is welcoming, more customers will like you and trust you enough to buy from you.
Smiling puts you in a positive frame of mind. Whenever you are in a lousy mood, just smile yourself into a positive mindset. Smiling is known to release endorphins that will brighten your outlook and you will be more approachable, which will increase sales.
Always smile when talking to people on the phone. People notice when you are smiling over the phone. Your tone is happier and you are a better connector. Your smile muscles affect your larynx and your speech. Smiling makes you sound better, which will make it easier for your customers to trust you and do business with you.
So now we know that:
• When you smile, you look good and feel good.
• When others see you smile, they smile, too.
• When others smile, they look good and feel good, too.
Mother Teresa said, “I will never understand all the good that a smile can accomplish.”