Of all the issues the pandemic created, the most challenging for the shed industry might be supply-chain related.
Builders need materials to build sheds and portable structures. Suppliers need to get the materials to provide to the builders.
Both sides are still experiencing delays, price hikes, and frustration.
That’s why Shed Builder Magazine spoke with several shed builder/dealer and supplier representatives to get a pulse on the state of relations—and ways to help smooth how it’s all working.
On the builder/dealer side are Sam Fawcett, general manager of Bitterroot Shedz in Stevensville, Montana; Jim White, president of USA Portable Buildings, America’s Buildings, Amish Made Cabins in Shepherdsville, Kentucky; and Tristan Nelson, operations manager for Nelson’s Buildings in Gainesville, Florida.
Speaking from the supplier viewpoint are Erica Goodnight, CEO, Union Grove Lumber in Harmony, North Carolina; Jonathan Lee, founder and CEO of IdentiGrow by Blue Ridge Impressions Inc. in Port Republic, Virginia; and Amos Yoder, founder of A&L Paint Co. in Rebersburg, Pennsylvania.
What’s the state of relations between builders and suppliers?
FAWCETT: Currently it seems to be for us that most of the suppliers are being upfront and honest about product availability and lead times. The hardest part that we run into is if a supplier is not straightforward in regard to that.
As it is for everyone, if we cannot get supplies, we cannot get out product; if we cannot have a lead time, we cannot give a proper lead time.
I believe the biggest thing that has helped our company is that we have established solid, open communication with our suppliers. I know that part of the issue right now is that communication is not clear all along the supply chain.
WHITE: I think that the state of relations between builders and suppliers is one of tension, not knowing if they are going to get what they order and, quite frankly, a little distrust in market rollercoaster pricing.
GOODNIGHT: The state of relations between builders and suppliers depend wholly on prior years’ relationships and current year communication.
The demands of builders on suppliers, which turns into suppliers’ demands to mills, have heightened since 2020. Everyone is busy, everyone is overbooked, but everyone also is understanding of the state of the world and the predicament we have all found ourselves in.
The more history a supplier and builder have, the more understanding each other seem to have been during times of chaos (both regarding price and timeframes).
YODER: Good—as long as communication remains open about pricing and product availability.
NELSON: The current state of relations between builders and suppliers is multi-faceted. As a builder, we are at the mercy of our suppliers in regards to price, availability, wait time, and communications.
Thankfully when everything began to break down in the supply chain and volatility began to increase, we had aligned ourselves with the most dependable suppliers in the industry. Buying power is key in times like this because suppliers seem to prioritize you based on sales.
How do expectations vs. availability vs. price affect interaction?
FAWCETT: Most of us in the industry have in the past never had to wait for product, or if we have, we didn’t have to wait to the extent that we are now.
We are currently ordering windows for the second quarter of 2022 and projecting what we will need due to the availably and lead time of windows right now. It makes it hard to plan.
It is also hard when you are looking at price increases every time you turn around. Currently, we are having to adjust pricing for materials that may go up in price or are planning to go up in price. This makes it hard on the customers as well.
I think it has created at times some tension in ordering, but as I mentioned earlier, it is all about communication.
WHITE: I believe all my builders had high hopes as to availability and price, initially, but the length of time it has taken to see the market stabilize has made some builders move backward in their growth plans.
GOODNIGHT: Product expectations are still high—sheds are an appearance-grade item. Sheds sell from the inside out. Our mills are still producing top-notch material for our customers. Expectations on quality have not waivered.
Availability expectations required lots of calendars and pencils. Long gone are the days where a customer can place an order and see it the next day (or within 10 days for that matter).
Allocations were (and still will be) the name of the game if you want material on a specific date, guaranteed. If you’re willing to wait 20-30-60 days on your order to arrive, calling and placing non-allocated orders can still be done, but demands on timeframe have to have leniency.
Pricing expectations … what is that anyway? Do we all want material that sees the prices of 2008-2010? Absolutely! But it’s not happening. The current state of affairs and the inflation rates in the United States play a big factor in pricing.
Each and every wholesaler, like ourselves, buys at market. It’s a market much like Wall Street that is produced by numbers compiled from mills throughout the world. Those numbers (trade numbers) are what sets the prices for material every Wednesday and Friday.
Wholesalers have very little input on these numbers, and we do our dead-level best to buy when numbers are right to allow our customers a cost savings (if we buy low, we can sell low and save customers money). But, there are times where we miss that mark and we simply buy at market and sell there, too. No savings, but no real loss either.
It takes a team of seasoned buyers to do this—and lots of communication within the four walls of the wholesale office.
At the end of the day, if expectations were not adjusted to fit the “new norm,” you would leave every day feeling disappointed. Instead of being disappointed in the gloom of price surges and timing delays, finding a silver lining by altering expectations has become a reality.
LEE: There’s an old saying that there is quality, price, and speed. You get to choose two. You can never choose all three.
Sometimes customer expectation is reasonable, sometimes not. Either way, it’s our job to bring reason and sanity to the situation, solve a customer’s problem in a way that is good for everyone, and give a customer what is most important to them while allowing us to stay in business so we are still here to serve them the next time.
YODER: As long as you have product available, most people are willing to pay whatever they need to get it.
NELSON: Our main goal in today’s world is to lower customer expectations, and then over perform. Expectations have been lowered significantly across the board. Availability has drastically decreased, and we have at some points had to go out on the open market for certain materials, to keep everything in stock that we need for building.
Price has been a major player in today’s market. We are selling more than ever, but making less per sale than ever due to inflation, and profit margins narrowing (from things like material and fuel.)
In what areas are builder-supplier relationships strong? Why?
FAWCETT: Through all of this I think that the ability to work together and come up with creative solutions has become stronger. Working on creative ideas and new products to make everyone successful.
WHITE: I think communications are strong. It is just getting bad news about the state of the markets that is making it hard to plan very far ahead.
GOODNIGHT: I cannot answer this question for every builder-supplier relationship as a whole, but for Union Grove Lumber and the customers we distribute to in all 50 states and Canada, I would say trust.
Our customers trust our company to provide them with quality product and the best price we can find. They trust us to deliver as promptly as possible with an open line of communication about the status of their orders (in the current month or through the rest of the year, for allocated customers).
Our customers trust that we will follow through with our word, almost to a default. Our company was founded on sweat equity and open communication; we haven’t lost that.
YODER: Consistently having product available is key to having good relationships.
NELSON: Builder-supplier relationships are strong from the sheer amount of demand that everyone is experiencing. Everyone is happy in times where everyone is well off, breaking sales records monthly.
What is often the most challenging aspect of the builder-supplier relationship? Why? How can that aspect be improved?
FAWCETT: Currently the most challenging aspect of the builder-supplier relationship is availability and pricing.
As I mentioned earlier, communication, communication, and communication is what we really need to focus on, on both sides.
WHITE: I would say the most challenging thing they deal with is what they order is sometimes drastically cut back.
Some builders have expressed concern because they heard that some of the larger customers had bought up all the available supplies of some items and this caused smaller builders to be shorted.
GOODNIGHT: The most challenging aspect of builder-supplier relationships would be communication. When the builder and supplier do not have true communication, things go south quickly.
This is most often seen with timeframes.
Delivery timeframe example: If your truck is going to deliver on Wednesday, and you’ve communicated that with your customer, they (rightfully) expect the truck Wednesday. They make plans for Wednesday. They schedule their staff appropriately for Wednesday.
To call them on Wednesday, or even Tuesday evening, and move the truck out a day, and then another day, and then into the next week, just proves that you didn’t have proper information to begin with.
Pricing timeframe example: when a supplier quotes materials to a builder and properly communicates the timeframe that the quote is good for, then the customer has to respect that timeframe. The timeframe can simply be “while supplies last” or it can be “until Friday,” but the timeframe is just that.
Wholesalers are selling product to shops all over the country and to call to request a quote from two weeks ago to be honored after the supply has already drained on a particular line item—it just can’t happen.
Communication must be clear and notes need to be made. If any area is unclear or if the supplier isn’t following through with their communicated promises, discussions need to happen regarding expectations. Have those discussions. It’s okay. Everyone needs to be on the same page.
LEE: Communication and trust are some of the most difficult for us. It is our goal to do what is best for the customer, whether it is best for our bottom line or not.
In order to give the best information, we need enough accurate information from the customer. For example, we ask for the estimated quantity needed per year. This seems to be viewed as a trick question, but the reason is very simple—we want to recommend the best fit for the customer in plate type and quantity. This can save the customer many dollars in a year’s time.
I believe trust is something that is built, not something a customer will necessarily just hand over. Demonstrating trustworthiness is our job, and providing sufficient information is something a customer can do in building a working and trustful relationship.
YODER: Communicating pricing and product availability. It is constantly changing.
It can be improved by notifying customers of pricing and product availability as soon as possible.
NELSON: The most challenging aspect is meeting customer demand. We always over guess on our wait times to make sure that we can deliver as promised.
It is still difficult to communicate this to your customer. Before they get frustrated, try to make sure you contact your supplier to see if things are running on schedule. We can probably be bothersome from their perspective, but we just want to keep our customer satisfied.
How can builders and suppliers work better together on delivery time, terms, sourcing?
WHITE: I don’t think there is a way for builders to have much say on delivery times and terms because with a lot of companies, it is their way or the highway. I also don’t think builders have much to say about sourcing.
This pandemic actually turned the shed business upside down. On a retail level, it had builders moving prices on a monthly basis. Business was somewhat interrupted for us because of the unstable markets.
As a supplier to Lowe’s, it was difficult to keep up with price changes, and we had several commitments from builders who were going to partner with us, and they were scared of the uncertain markets. We were doing new stores in the state of Texas, and our builder was unable to get flooring, and it slowed down our rollout.
There were also a lot of builders who operated at a loss because they thought pricing would stabilize at some point and it did not.
I don’t want to be negative in my comments about suppliers, and I am sure they had their set of problems, but I saw a lot of small builders who were buried during this last year. They had plenty of orders, but they had difficulty getting them built and delivered, which was another problem that builders had to deal with.
GOODNIGHT: Delivery timeframes and sourcing are best done through allocation. Allowing your supplier the knowledge of what you’re needing months ahead of your delivery timeframe allows them the time to prepare (buy, treat, cut) your material and deliver on time.
Payment terms are a touchy subject. With the uncertainty of financial standing during times of inflation that we are seeing now, many banks and lenders are tightening the reigns on credit limits allowed for customers.
Customers, to heighten credit limits, must pay within discounted terms. Every time. If you’re late on a payment, or don’t take a discount, it appears (to banks) that your finances are tight (even though that may be untrue, it’s what they think). If you want extended credit lines and more leniency on payment, get those checks cut and to the vendor on or before your discount date.
Oh, and take the discount! You wouldn’t believe how much money, over the course of a year, that will save you. Just pull your total vendor invoices and take 1 percent of that (the typical discount amount)—that’s the amount you can save. It adds up.
LEE: Custom products such as we produce can’t just be pulled off the shelf and shipped. Sometimes it also requires working with other vendors who provide service and materials. So planning ahead is one of the most valuable things a customer can bring.
We can sometimes pull a few strings to minimize wait, and often do, but starting early is a big benefit. We will gladly work up art and quotes several months ahead so they are ready when the customer is ready to pull the trigger.
This also provides the opportunity to discuss what a reasonable production time looks like on the options they are considering and results in less stress for everyone.
YODER: Communicate with an understanding of each other’s situation.
NELSON: Communication is everything. A weekly/monthly phone call, or email with updates would solve a lot of problems. We would have more knowledge about the futures market, be able to brace and make more educated decisions based on pricing, availability of materials, etc.
Any final thoughts about the builder-supplier relationship?
YODER: Treat your customers and suppliers as you would like to be treated.
GOODNIGHT: At the end of the day, my best advice for builders and suppliers is to remember this simple thing: we are all humans trying to make a living. No one is doing their job for free—we all have mouths to feed at home.
Humans make mistakes. Humans get eager. Humans are emotional. It’s okay.
If you’re a builder, find a supplier who makes you feel like a human and respects your decisions and desires for your business. If you can find that supplier for yourself, you will walk out of the office smiling, maybe not every day, but most!
NELSON: Professionalism is key. In these emotional times you must maintain your strength and professionalism. Suppliers are typically extremely busy people and look at things through a black and white perspective. They want to do their best job as well. Don’t let your frustrations be a reason for a ruined business relationship.
Make a phone call, even if it seems like a bother. In the end your supplier will love you for it, because happy customers have a domino effect on your company’s ultimate success. Good word of mouth begins to spill over. Good reviews are read by thousands online, and you create more business as a result.