“Why can’t I hit my goals?” is a question that resonates with countless individuals, whether they’re seasoned business owners struggling to boost profitability or fresh-faced salespeople striving to make those elusive first sales.
At its core, goal setting and achievement are often portrayed as complicated, when in reality, it’s the repetition of basic principles that fuels success. Mastery is born from doing the same things over and over, improving incrementally, and having the persistence to stay the course.
To understand why goals aren’t being met, it’s worth remembering the stories of those who faced similar roadblocks yet found ways to persevere.
One well-known example is Thomas Edison. While most people are familiar with his invention of the light bulb, few realize he tested 1,000 different combinations before finding the right filament.
Edison famously said that each of those “failed” experiments wasn’t a failure at all—he was learning what didn’t work.
Was that scientific method or grit? Perhaps both. But his persistence in the face of failure was the key.
This concept of persistence applies universally. Walt Disney, now known as one of the greatest creative minds of all time, was once fired by a newspaper editor who said he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.”
Imagine if Disney had accepted that critique as fact and given up on his dreams. The countless movies, theme parks, and innovations that followed would never have existed. He pressed on, undeterred by those who couldn’t see his potential.
Similarly, Steve Jobs’s journey is an iconic example of persistence. Apple was struggling, and Jobs was even forced out of his own company at one point.
Many would have quit. But not Jobs. His unwavering belief in the future of technology drove him to return to Apple and lead the company toward some of the most game- changing innovations of our time, including the iPhone.
His refusal to give up is a reminder that often success is just around the corner from a seemingly insurmountable failure.
Then there’s J.K. Rowling, whose “Harry Potter” series was initially rejected by 12 different publishers. Had she stopped submitting her manuscript after the fifth, or even the 10th rejection, the world would have never experienced the magic of Hogwarts.
Rowling’s persistence, even in the face of repeated rejection, underscores a universal truth: The line between success and failure is often defined by who’s willing to keep going when others quit.
So, why do so many people struggle to achieve their goals?
One reason is that they give up too soon. All the great innovators, entrepreneurs, and creators who have changed the world had a moment when giving up probably seemed logical. The obstacle in front of them felt insurmountable. But they didn’t quit. Their unwavering, almost irrational commitment to their vision carried them through.
But persistence alone isn’t enough.
You also need clarity about what you’re working toward.
Too often, people set vague, undefined goals, and when they don’t see immediate results, they become discouraged. To make meaningful progress, you need to set two types of goals: attainable goals and mind-blowing goals.
First, attainable goals are those that are within reach, given a reasonable amount of effort. These are the goals that can keep you motivated in the short term.
For example, if you’re a salesperson, your attainable goal might be making a certain number of calls or closing a specific number of deals in a month. Achieving these milestones gives you the confidence and momentum to keep going.
Second, mind-blowing goals are the dreams that almost feel too big to be real. These are the goals that push you out of your comfort zone and force you to grow. They might seem impossible today, but with time, dedication, and the right mindset, they become achievable.
For example, a mind-blowing goal for a sales professional could be doubling your income in a year or becoming the top salesperson in the company. For a business owner, it might be expanding your business to multiple locations or hitting a certain revenue milestone that feels like a stretch.
It’s important to balance these two types of goals because they work hand in hand. Without attainable goals, you can feel lost or stagnant, wondering why you aren’t progressing. Without mind-blowing goals, you’ll never push yourself beyond your current limits or tap into your full potential.
It’s the combination of small, achievable wins and lofty, aspirational dreams that keeps you moving forward.
However, even with clear goals, it’s crucial to remember that success rarely happens overnight. The path to reaching your goals is often filled with setbacks, frustrations, and doubts.
That’s why having a support system, whether in the form of mentors, colleagues, or a personal network, can be invaluable. They can offer guidance when you feel stuck and encouragement when you’re ready to give up.
At the end of the day, the difference between those who achieve their goals and those who don’t isn’t necessarily talent, intelligence, or luck. Often, it boils down to persistence, clarity, and an unwavering belief that success is possible.
So, if you find yourself asking, “Why can’t I hit my goals?” the answer may be simpler than you think. Break down your goals into actionable steps, repeat the basics, and most importantly, refuse to quit.
Achieving greatness requires time, effort, and a mindset that says, “I will succeed, no matter what.”The moment you truly believe that—and act on it—is the moment you’ll begin to see your goals come to life.