Best Practices, Operations, V8I3

Best Practices for Touching Up a Shed

Shed originally coated with PPG Semi-Transparent Chestnut Urethane (left) touched up with Chestnut Aerosol (right). (Photo courtesy of PPG)

Each year, we visit with shed manufacturers across the United States and Canada and, without fail, the topic of touch ups enters the conversation. 

In part five of our seven-part series, we’ll focus on touching up solid colors and the challenge of touching up semi-transparent urethane sheds.

Touching up the paint on a shed is not an exact science. Many variables can affect the appearance of paint when it dries, such as temperature, method of application, batch differences, and other factors that may or may not be within your control. 

That being said, here are some best practices that will help improve the effectiveness of touching up sheds painted in solid shades:

  • Proper Mixing: Before painting the shed the first time, thoroughly drill mix the paint and then drill mix again before touching up to help ensure that you maintain the true color. If possible, try to use the same pail of paint for the initial painting and for touching up.
  • Keep the Spot Small: If you have a small scratch, mark, or ding on the surface, try to apply paint only to that spot. You can use Q-Tips, artist brushes, or another fine-tipped tool. A common mistake is to use a paintbrush/roller and brush/roll-out or “feather out” a large area when only touching up a small spot.
  • Paint to a Visual Break: When you have larger spots to touch up, you can paint up to a visual break (e.g., the edge of the board, a groove in the siding) or up to a trim board. This will help hide where the touch-up paint stops and the original paint starts.  
  • Higher Film Build Affects Appearance: In most cases, a shed’s original paint was applied with a spray gun. Touching up with a brush/roller can result in an area with more layers of paint than the original coat. This thicker section can tend to have a higher sheen. While the touch-up spot disappears when you look at it straight on, this might not be the case when you stand at an angle. Adding a little water to your touch-up paint to dilute and lighten the coat can help with this problem.
  • Paint Corner to Corner: When you’re at a customer’s location or on a dealer’s lot, it may be more efficient to perform a touch up by painting corner to corner on a wall rather than to touch up a spot and hope it matches. This could save you a return visit.
  • Reduce the Need for a Touch Up: Unfortunately, scratches, marks, or dings are inevitable. To minimize occurrences, examine your manufacturing and delivering processes to see if anything can be done to help reduce the need for touching up. For example, use foam or pads on scaffolds, ladders, Mules, and forklifts so they don’t scratch the walls. When delivering, use pads or other protective barriers between straps and the surface of the building. 


Semi-transparent urethanes are a premium product in the shed industry. They have given builders the opportunity to offer a stained appearance on a pre-primed substrate and they have a much longer life compared to standard acrylic paints, as well as the traditional penetrating stains that have been used on T-111 buildings.  

With semi-transparent coatings, the more you apply, the darker or more opaque they appear, which makes touching them up virtually impossible—until now.

As you try to make a light spot darker, you inevitably create a dark ring around the spot.  This has been a nagging issue within the shed industry for years. 

In our continued effort to revolutionize the shed coatings industry, we developed touch-up aerosols and markers that match our semi-transparent urethanes. They’re easy to use and significantly improve your ability to touch up small areas.

When you coat a shed with semi-transparents, you’ll have some areas that are darker and some that are lighter. Aerosols and markers were developed to go on light and allow you to build your color with multiple coats. This allows you to dial in your color to the desired look. 

Other benefits of touch-up products include:

  • Fast-dry formula allows you to apply multiple coats quickly.
  • Non-freeze formula allows drivers to keep a set in their truck year-round.
  • Aerosols are excellent for touching up light areas and edges of trim boards. 
  • Markers are excellent for touching up deep scratches or gouges in the wood.
  • Ease of application—dealers and drivers can now touch-up sheds.

We hope you find this article helpful. If you have any questions or would like additional information on performing shed paint touch ups, please reach out to your paint representative.           


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