6 personal changes to make to create a chain reaction that reverberates throughout our businesses.
NBSRA: What Are We Really About?
One of our highest priorities in the industry must be valuing people. This is, after all, a service industry.
Looking Both Ways!
It’s time for the shed rental industry to look toward its other customer, the shed user—the shed renter.
Little Things, Big Results
Taking care of the little things, gathering up the loose ends, results in great momentum building in a company.
RTO Education at the Expo
The NBSRA is excited to sponsor two educational sessions at the upcoming Shed Builder Expo, September 29-30, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships
The dog-eat-dog stories may get all the attention, but the portable shed manufacturing world has a long, wonderful history of mutual cooperation.
How Long Is Long Enough?
What is the best contract length? How long are we talking about?
It may surprise you, but the short answer is … short.
RTO Benefits
Rent-to-own is a sound sales tool that benefits builders and dealers, customers, and the RTO company.
The Way Your Customer Wants to Buy
While earlier this year with the COVID-19 stimulus, your potential customer may have had cash on hand, that won’t always be the case.
A Message from the NBSRA Chairman
There are many factors that contributed to the NBSRA Executive Board’s decision to cancel our Annual Conference, previously scheduled for October 2020.