August 21, 2020, was a beautiful day here in Oklahoma. As is typical in August in Oklahoma it heated up quickly.
December 2020/January 2021
Of Green Cash and Orange Sheds
Everything is colorful when you make and deliver a shed for characters like “Fat Albert” and “Humphrey Otis.”
Always Be Honest and Upfront with Your Customers
“I appreciate honesty more than anything. If you tell me what it is upfront, you give me the option to take it or leave it. I respect that.’’ — Unknown One of my mentors once told me, “It’s one thing to make a sale, and it’s another thing to keep[Read More…]
Price or Quality?
What sells the most sheds—is it the price of the units, or is it the quality of the structures?
Time to Add Products?
How can a shed business best decide whether or not it’s time to add to their product lines?
No Limits
From sheds to ADUs, Backyard Unlimited offers all types of portable structures to its customers in California.
Shed Industry SWOT (Conclusion)
The value of a SWOT analysis goes beyond the information to the future planning and strategizing a business can do with the information.
Shed Industry SWOT (Part 4)
The industry’s most significant threats are a downturn in the economy, lack of materials, and the ability to maintain staffing.
Shed Industry SWOT (Part 3)
The biggest opportunity for the shed industry respondents indicated is for builders to move beyond sheds to offer other structures.
Shed Industry SWOT (Part 2)
When looking at weaknesses in the shed industry, the elephant in the room can’t be ignored—COVID-19 effects.