As I have covered in the last two installments of this story (Part 1 and Part 2), I had my share of trouble from this customer. She had been as difficult as any customer I have ever dealt with in my over 15 years of building sheds. I was not looking forward to my arrival for day two.
The previous evening, I had left it to the customers to discuss whether or not to move the building about 6 inches and level it all back up again on their sloping concrete slab. The building was a pool shed and the concrete was sloped three different directions under the shed.
It had not been fun to block up while building the floor, and I was not wanting to do it with the shed built. I don’t carry any equipment to move sheds when I go onsite.
I had an hour drive from my house to the onsite location that morning. It is reasonably common for me to casually pray while driving alone. I’m not talking about earnest prayer, just kind of an afterthought.
This morning, though, I was earnestly talking to God. I specifically asked Him to give me favor with the woman I had dealt the day before. I really didn’t want to move the shed. I wasn’t sure what I was going to tell her if they had decided I had to move it. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to do it for free. The potential for serious conflict and perhaps a botched job with the repercussions that go along with our social media age were weighing heavily on me.
My arrival found the customers up and ready for me. The lady walked with me to the shed, telling me that she had a couple questions before they fully decided. I answered her concerns the best I could, and she told me that it would be fine where it was.
I thanked her pretty calmly, but inside I was about to burst with thankfulness. I didn’t have to move the shed.
I got right to work. It wasn’t long before I was ready to spray the urethane on the shed. I made sure to cover the slab and then started spraying. I finished my first coat and let it dry a couple minutes. It was already warm, so I was able to start right back over it very quickly.
I was working on the first wall when my spray rig just quit. Nothing. I fiddled with it a little and determined it was beyond my ability to fix. My other gun was at the shop, but it was also needing to be repaired. I decided to rent a gun.
By the time I found the nearest tool rental place, drove there, came back and finished spraying, cleaned the gun, and rushed back to return the gun it was lunchtime. I stopped at a fast food place and ate.
Rick, my helper, had been preparing the skirting while I had been chasing a gun. He had to leave before lunch, so I knew I would be alone when I got back from lunch.
I painted the trim and began working on the skirting while paint was drying. It was very tedious work. The slab was on a slant, so each piece of skirting was cut on an angle. Each piece was only 6 inches wide, so by the time I got all the way around the 8 by 16, my knees were killing me. All through the hot afternoon and into the evening I worked as fast as I could to finish the shed.
I climbed up on the scaffold to shingle with only an hour and a half until dark. It was just about too dark to see as I finished the ridge cap. After hanging the doors, touching up what I could, and loading up, I was so ready to get home. It was after 10 p.m. on a Saturday, much later than I like to work on the weekend.
The customers helped me load the last few big pieces from the shed we had demolished the previous day and then watched as I strapped the load.
As I prepared to leave, the man handed me $100 as a tip. The woman hugged me and told me that I was like “pumpkin pie with cool whip.” She had helped me quite a lot through the evening and was actually one of the nicest customers I have ever dealt with.
I have a feeling that she probably will never know how she made a shed builder’s life a little different that day. The difference from Friday to Saturday was so profound. I had been hoping I would find enough favor that I wouldn’t have to move a shed. Instead, God showed me he can do far beyond what I would think is even possible.
And it all happened in just another day in the life of a shed builder.