I have had the huge honor and blessing of getting to know a lot of people in the shed industry.
Thanks to great opportunities and a great group of people, I get to travel a lot and see a lot of different ideas and systems.
Sure, I put the work in to get here. I’ll go anywhere I’m asked to, but this industry welcomes me with open arms. And I don’t take that lightly. I love it.
But it brings me to a couple interesting observations:
1. No one is the best. Arguably. Sure, I could rank everyone based on complete performance. Based on any given 12 points.
In the end, though, everyone has good points and ones that need work. Everyone has stuff that still needs help.
2. Which means no one is the worst. There are plenty who can use a lot of help. I’m more interested in the ones who don’t believe that they need help. They think they already are the best. How sad.
We can all use help. The ones who rank at the top know this. They are constantly learning.
3. So, there really is hope for everyone … if you are willing to learn. The great ones are always learning.
You think they have it all figured out? They don’t. They hang out with others. Their friends. Their peers. They listen. They share.
No one reaches a destination. We are all on a journey.
Let’s dig a little deeper.
This industry is comprised of four different categories. First, there is the manufacturer. He builds a product. You can’t sell or haul anything without a product.
Inside of manufacturers are a whole lot of other identities. Investors, owners, builders, bookkeepers, painters, roofers, forklift drivers, broom operators, you name it. Even specialized guys now. Door guys. Truss guys. Suppliers. I get to see them all.
A couple weeks ago, I stopped at a sizable shop in Louisiana and was impressed by a couple things. First, the cleanliness. And orderliness.
After the first impression, I noticed how happy everyone was. Now, happiness is not a new thing to me. I see it in a shop close to home. And a couple others. But this was extraordinary. These guys really seemed happy to be there. When I met the owner, I understood.
Everything trickles down. This guy would stop and talk to every single one of them. And, he knew them. He wasn’t just building a product. He was building a community. An atmosphere. It was more than just a shed.
We see it in the second category: Haulers. There are guys who just get out there and haul sheds. As soon as they are done, they check out.
Then there are those who take it a step further. Whether it’s having a spotless rig, or lots of bells and whistles, or just their whole presentation, they take it to another level.
Are they happier? Maybe. Maybe not. They may have multiple drivers, each one a duplicate, or so they hope, of what they are, and are trying to accomplish. They interact with everyone. Their customers, their sales guys, their manufacturers. They scrub. They dig. They line things up. Everything is straight. Level.
Same with the third category: Sales. This is a good one. We all have opinions on sales guys. Too pushy. Too soft. Didn’t answer enough questions. Didn’t come out and answer any. Didn’t leave me alone.
Sales guys have an awful job. They have to know their product, and they have to know their customers. Or at least try to know them.
A hauler has to satisfy a customer. A sales guy has to figure out a customer. They are constantly trying to learn more. After all, they take the money. Without that, we all go home.
Then we have the RTO guy. Oh boy. Or the finance guy, depending on your shed financing preference. These guys show up already in the hole. No one likes to see a new RTO guy show up.
Take it easy on your RTO guy. He’s trying to help the industry, too. Where would this industry be without the RTO guy? Cash sales. I can’t imagine having my retail business back right now and not having a rent-to-own option.
Back to our three points. I’ve seen people in each category do their job well. And, I have seen it done, uh, not so well. Me included.
Here is what I’m saying. We can all get better. None of us are the worst. Whether you are a manufacturer, hauler, sales, or RTO guy. So how about we all start pulling together? Let’s move the industry as a whole, and not just our little corners.
We have the amazing Shed Builder Expo coming up. Let’s all go and work together. Pull together. Talk together. Have fun together. Share. Brainstorm.Â
There are going to be a bunch of cool things happening there, so grab a couple days and come make some new friends. And see the old ones. Learn some new things. Get better. Be better.
I see the shed industry as a big wheel with a bunch of spokes inside it. And every single one is important. So, come. Learn. Get better.
And make sure you introduce yourself. To me at least. I want to hear your story. And, I’ll come see you! Be there!
Oh, I may have a surprise or two. In fact. I do.