
April/May 2017

Turning a Shed into A Backyard Pub

Mike Sheehan of Grand Rapids, Michigan, has a huge family that loves to get together for lots of parties. The problem with having a big family is that they overrun the house. Sheehan’s wife mentioned that it would be nice to get the family out of the house and keep[Read More…]

Protecting the Bottom of Shed Doors

Race Storage Sheds in West Seneca, New York, is providing aluminum splash guards along the bottom of doors for protection at no extra charge, the company reports. According to Race, fiberglass doors used on sheds haven’t had protection at the bottom. Over the years, the company says it has noticed[Read More…]

Updated Window Installation Instructions

More sheds than ever are including windows, providing natural lighting and, increasingly, a breath of fresh air into backyard structures serving as workshops, studios, and more. “When I started, we were selling the old awning-covered crank-out [windows],” says Shane Hartman of WEH Supply Inc. in Denver, Pennsylvania. “They’re still around[Read More…]

Incentive Plans

I have no doubt that employee bonus plans, or incentive plans, work. Most production workers will get really smart, really quick, when they realize they have a good chance to earn more. I don’t think it matters if compensation is the number-one reason to keep employee engagement and morale high.[Read More…]

Effective Advertising

“ Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” John Wanamaker was a retail pioneer more than 100 years ago, and his now-famous quote is repeated often by business men and women when they think about advertising. Do you often feel[Read More…]

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February/March 2025